This story depicts the distances APA must travel and into some of the remote places on the planet when providing services to our customers.
Andrew Price one of our most experienced Sales/Technician, in the last two weeks travelled from our base in Brisbane to Mareeba in Northern Queensland, visiting with Mitchell Aerial Service for the following reason:
- Background: Two uncontrollable hot starts were reported to APA, with the second event requiring removal of the engine.
- A rental engine was made available, Andrew travelled to site to verify installation of the second engine, and its rigging. Minor corrections made, and engine starting, and check flights were uneventful.

From Mareeba back to Brisbane for the weekend then off to the middle of Western Australia via Perth to visit with Fortescue Helicopters:
- Background: RR300 engine suffering a continuing oil leak from the engine compressor inducer, indicating failure of #1 bearing oil seal. For RR300 this necessitates removal of the engine, and shipment to APA for seal replacement. Given remote location in the Pilbara, an alternative approach was proposed.
- APA would provide tooling, and access to data, controlled through APA. Certification could then be performed by Licensed AME on site. Andrew provided additional support, also being licensed on type, and with factory training for the required activity.
- Seal replacement was successfully carried out and assistance provided to re-install the engine.

See map for locations and distance travelled with return legs around 13,500km in total and all within this great country of ours. Two very happy customers, in support of their Rolls Royce product.

Meanwhile back at our facility we are busy pushing out work to our customers and training up our apprentices for the future of our workforce. Pictured is one of our youngest apprentices, Kevin Price undergoing inspection training with Hector Leonardo.

Of note Kevin has the same last name as Andrew and your thoughts are correct, father and son working side by side at APA. Andrew at the pinnacle of his working career and Kevin at the start of his, great to see the young man wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps.